Tuesday, June 05, 2007

6 more days to reboot and service

6 more days to Church Camp. We are going to Malacca for this year's church camp.

This year's theme is call "Revival" and I really wish that it will be a revival for me and the church. As days go by during the year...I'm getting tired with things...battery kept on showing the "Low Battery, Pls charge" sign. I need a REVIVAL too~:P...In fact I feel this is the church camp that I really really desire to be refreshed. I think I am like my laptop now, too many things in it...memory space getting low hence screwing up. At times, get hang or programmes slow down, it's not functioning like it should, the maximum capability that it has. Rebooting it at times will help but the root problems arent solve. So it's time to send it for service, just like me. To go church camp (apple care centre), let God (the apple service man) to solve the root problems , "reformat" me (laptop) and "reboot" again. I'm going to do so for my laptop too. While I'm away for church camp, I want to send my laptop to apple centre. But the only difference is, I'm going to backup the information in my laptop but I am not going to backup what is in me. Rather, I wish that everything will restart, any wrong beliefs, wrong concepts will be deleted and start with a brand new mind. Well...prob the only thing I want to retain is the word of God that I had learnt and obtained over the past 2.5 years. *grinz

6 more days to reboot and service.


sharon chia said...

hey hey, i'm sure God will give you a wonderful and life-transforming encounter in the Camp as you prepare to meet Him!!

And thats an interesting analogy!! =)

Patricia said...

hey girl, have a really fruitful and blessed time at the church camp! May it be a spirit-filled and reviving experience for ya!