Monday, July 23, 2007

Internet Good or Bad?

Yesterday was my younger cousin's birthday. Probably he is 14 or 15 yrs old now. I knew it only when I saw my email from friendster reminding me that it was my cousin's birthday.

When we were young, we always play together at my grandma house and get to see each other fornightly. However, after we grew up, we seldom get to see each other now. So I smsed him to wish him happy birthday which I started off addressing him as "Di di" (younger brother). That's how I call him. And he replied my msg to thank me while addressing me "Jie jie"(older sis) in the sms. *haha so cute*

Haha just felt that it was cool~ when we were young we dont get to do such things...since we dont have internet or handphone. However, now we get to see each other online and even can get in touch once in a while through msg. It's somethng new to me, so I'm pretty amazed how technology can help us.

I told my mum about it and told her that recently it crossed my mind to bring my youngest cousin "Mei4 mei4" out but I dont have the $$ to treat her which defeat the purpose. haha so I told my mum that probably when I come out to work I will just bring her out to have something simple. Or maybe even before I graduate. Got to find a chance...:)

1 comment:

Patricia said...

haha thanks to the Internet i'm able to communicate with my dad more too!